HTC First announced, coming exclusively to AT&T on April 12th for $99.99

Thursday, 4 April 2013

HTC First Mobile
Price inUsd:99.99$

Htc First Mobile of Facebook,this mobile of touch is very soft and grace look of htc first fb mobile.
it coincided on one Colour of black,it announced 4 april,this mobile is available in many Colours,his cell of camera result 5 megapixels,in which use Andriod software of Google inc.Htc buy a android software from Google inc,his mobile screen is 4.3 inches and the type of smartphone,this mobile is released on 2013-04-12,in which available Bluetooth version 4.0 and in 1GB ram or S4 processor,his mobile is processing speed is very fast,this mobile fix price for all people $99.99,in which Colours red,turquoise,white and of course black,i like it very much,i am proud of Htc company.this is cheap rates available in market,i think this mobile is very smart cell phone,Htc First Mobile has many new Feautres.his Htc first mobile is low weight,this mobile is pixels 1280 x 720 is super pixels,his mobile is Internel memory 16Gb and up to support micro sd card and battery timing is 2000 Mah,This mobile is very Fastly internet speed,this mobile for all user is very helpful and useful.i advice for all new cell user
use this mobile,Htc and Facebook has partnership of his mobile.this mobile is no available in Pakistan,i hope
this mobile is coming in Pakistan,i think his mobile is many fans and many user in Pakistan.i hope this mobile is available on cheap rate in Pakistan.Htc first mobile in use other features like google map,Youtube,Gmail,Facebook,Orkut,etc.

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